Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another promotion!

Because the baby is coming fast, Bebe has been totally set on remodeling. We ended up extending the kitchen and adding a room for the baby. Next is the bathroom when we can afford it.

Now I always knew that I was meant to be in the laboratory, but lately I've been extra sure of it. I've been doing a lot of extra reading on the side for work (luckily I'm married to a bookworm who doesn't mind!) and the last book I read, 'Nitrates: They're Not Just For Exploding,' inspired me to work on an independent project at work that really got noticed. I made a fundamental Earth and Sun discovery (but I can't share much about it, very confidential) that got me promoted to Carnivorous Plant Tender. And of course, hellooooo lab coat! Except now it's longer and much more distinguished looking. I nearly exploded out of my skin on the ride home from work, I couldn't wait to tell Bebe.

Looks like the bathroom upgrade will be coming soon! I got a sweet bonus of 1,440 Simoleons and a permanent pay increase. With all of that good news, and all of the baby talk, life can't get much better!

-David Parker


  1. Your place is really starting to come together!

  2. Thanks! It's been a long trip but every promotion adds a new addition onto the house, lol.

  3. Awesome Legacy. I started late, so now I can just follow it. I luv your laidback style, its so cool!
