Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And then there were three...

We were at home two nights ago, Bebe was reading her pregnancy book and I was fixing the sink, and suddenly she went into labor. We got a taxi and headed to the hospital and before we knew it, little Ben joined us in the world!

I was able to bring them both home yesterday and I put Ben in his crib for the first time. He's such a cutie, I can't wait to have more kids with Bebe.

-David Parker


  1. *phew* You got your heir right off the bat! Can you imagine if you kept having girls? You could end up with a mountain of children before getting the heir.

    I hope I haven't jinxed myself by saying that lol

  2. Awwww wee Ben! Hey a girl can be a heir too right? Unless you are playing by the optional Matriarchy/Patriarchy rules...

    My sim just had a.....oh will have to read about that!

  3. She had a baby!! Last post she was in Forbidden Love!

    Didn't realize the Matriarchy/Patriarchy rules were optional. I thought if your founder was female all heirs had to also be female. Good to know!

  4. Lmao! Wednesday was a loooong day!

  5. Yup, they're optional but I'm following them - nothing like being challenged at every turn. :-)
