Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Double promotions!!

Today is my 30th birthday, which I was really dreading but David made it completely amazing. I've had a wonderful day and can't wait for dinner later - we're getting a baby-sitter and going out for the first time in a while!

I got a call this afternoon from Grace and she told me that they were so impressed with my performance yesterday, despite all the time I've had off, and she's promoting me to Spice Runner! I was so excited, I hung up with her and called David at work right away. He was so happy...he loves having kids and wants to have more, but he was so worried they would delay my own personal goals. So far, we're good!

David came home today wearing a new jacket...and announced he was promoted, too! A few weeks back, Gobias checked out the experiment David's been working on at work and asked him to run a seminar at a Symposium held yearly at the Doo Peas Corporate Towers. He attended that over the weekend and I guess he caught the eye of a few guests from the hospital and they offered him a position there. David's passion is science and he wasn't really planning on leaving, but he approached Gobias about it, who was absolutely against it. He went to his boss and told him, but turns out his boss had attended the Symposium as well and really took an interest in David. They called David in and offered him a promotion and a raise on the spot!

David is now a Genetic Resequencer and he got an amaaaazing bonus (1,956 Simoleons!!)! I'm so excited!

-Bebe Parker

Bebe's Birthday

My beautiful wife turned 30 today and I gave her the best birthday. That woman owes me!

She had a really bad day with the kids yesterday, so I when I got home I dealt with an evening of madness until Becca finally stopped crying and just laid in her crib, and Ben got preoccupied with his bunny and sat there for hours playing. I was able to make dinner and even lunch for tomorrow at work without him crying...he just sat on the floor and laughed and talked his crazy baby language to his bunny.

I surprised Bebe with a brand new bedset for her birthday, which I had dropped off last night while she was at work. At first she was a little concerned because we just bought a new bed, but I was able to trade it in barely used for a great discount off the new set.

And to top it off, the kids were both so exhausted from crying all day that they both passed out and slept through the entire night - a first!

This morning Bebe woke up totally refreshed and Ben was being an angel (we'll see how long that lasts), and I was confidently able to go off to work knowing she'd have a good day.

-David Parker

Back to work - what am I doing?

That was pretty much my thought when I woke up this morning. And it only got worse.

It was nice because David woke up with me and we had a nice breakfast, but then he was off to work. I'm still working the 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm shift, so we only have to call in a baby-sitter for about two hours for the transition time between him coming home and me leaving. I think that's a good thing, considering how Ben is acting lately.

Between the time David left and the baby-sitter showed up, the stove broke and I had to call a repairman (it's the only way to warm up Becca's formula, we don't have a microwave yet, so it's not like I could wait all day), Ben and Becca cried all morning long, Ben had a diaper full of poo that somehow got all over the carpet in the nursery, and then bathroom sink sprung a leak and was literally spraying all over the place, so I had to have the same delivery man come back again! I can't catch a break!

The only thing that could be better is if I got fired when I get to work tonight, or maybe I could just trip and fall face-first into the deep fat fryers.

-Bebe Parker

Two kids is a lot of work...especially when one is the devil

I love my little Ben, I really do...but "terrible twos" doesn't even begin to explain that kid's attitude! He was such a relaxed, calm little baby, but suddenly it feels like that changed over night. What a little temper he has! One minute he'll be fine, and the next he's freaking out, slamming his hands on his high chair table or shaking the side of his crib so hard. He really is a cutie, though, when that little guy gets laughing he just doesn't stop.

He can sit alone in his room and play for hours, he finds a bunch of stuff to get into. It's nice because I still get some "mommy time" while he's playing. He's got this bear his daddy got him when he was born, Cheeba, and he just loves him to death. He can sit and play with him for hours, talking to him, hugging him, chewing on his ear. I like to pick him up and talk to Ben through him, he gets a kick out of that.

-Bebe Parker

Lots of birthdays

Our birthday party for Ben went great, I grilled in the backyard, Bebe made an amazing cake, and everyone had a wonderful time. Halfway through our fun was interrupted, though, when Bebe went into labor a bit early! All of the guests were shocked, it was crazy...but I was amazingly calm considering the circumstances. I ended up getting Bebe a taxi and I got the house set, dropped Ben off with Bebe's dad, and headed over to the hospital in plenty of time. A few hours later, we were blessed with a little girl. We've named her Becca.

Bebe ended up staying in the hospital a bit longer this time around - she had been pretty stressed during the pregnancy and the doctors wanted to keep an eye on her and also just give her a bit to relax. I took advantage of this time away, though - I've been secretly putting away money from my paychecks to save up for a remodel, and I had the interior of the house completely gutted and redone while she was away. I told the contractors the situation and they brought in double the team they normally do and got it done so quickly, I couldn't believe it! Bebe was amazed when she came home and saw everything...she especially loved the nursery I set up for the kids. Little does she know I have more plans when it comes to the house, I just need a bit more time and money.

-David Parker

I have the best husband ever!

I thought being pregnant was a pain the first time around, it's even harder when you have a baby to take care of, too! I've been working part-time at the diner but between that, taking care of Ben, and running other errands I have to do, I'm pooped!

Of course, Superhusband comes to the rescue! He got a raise and promotion at work, and the first thing he buys is a Relaxing Swedish Massage for me at the Sharma Day Spa, and he took care of Ben all that day and all evening. Then I wake up the next morning to find that he had hired a maid to come help him clean the house (which certainly needed a good cleaning!) while I just lazed around all day. I couldn't be happier!

All my laying around isn't going to waste, though - I'm planning my little boy's birthday party - it's next week and we're going all out. I can't wait!

-Bebe Parker

Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker!

Tonight I came home from an errand I had to run after work to find Gobias Koffi, my boss, pulling up to my house. He informed me that at a meeting he had just left, they had decided to promote me to the position of Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker, and handed me a check from the company for a bonus of 1,680 Simoleons! I couldn't believe it!

I headed in the house to tell Bebe (Gobias declined my invitation to dinner but promised to take me up on it another day when he didn't have other plans) and she surprised me with some news of her own...we're having another baby! How ironic it was her first day back to work, but Grace was happy to hear it and told her she could have more time off when the baby is due.

-David Parker

Lots of great stuff!

Work has been great, home life is great, I totally cannot complain. Bebe and I got tired of having grumpy mornings after horrible nights of rest, so I surprised her with a new bed. We've both been sleeping more soundly and I've woken up in the mornings more refreshed. I've even had enough energy to get up early and go fishing before work - I love having the park right across the street, I literally can just walk there, fish a bit, and then catch my carpool.

Ben is a great little guy - we have to wake up once during the night to take care of some issue, whether it's a dirty diaper or the little guy just wants to eat, but overall he's a pretty content little baby. I really doesn't fuss that much at all, which I really think is great on Bebe - she's getting used to being a mom, but she still had time to do things that she wants to do around the house without worrying about him. She'll be heading back to work tomorrow, and I think she's more excited than she's letting on. I've noticed more cookbooks around the house and she makes something new almost every night...I know she misses working in a real kitchen.

-David Parker

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Motherhood is great! We've got the most adorable son in the world - David can't keep his hands off of him! Everytime I want a break to make dinner or take a nap, he's got him and doesn't put him down.

David bought me an easel for my "mommy present" when Ben was born. I had randomly mentioned to him that I'd love to learn how to paint one day, and I didn't think he remembered. When we have enough to spare I'm going to take a class in town, but for right now I'm having a great time practicing.

Ah, and speak of the devil, my adorable little bundle is crying in his crib so I'll have to cut this short.

-Bebe Parker

And then there were three...

We were at home two nights ago, Bebe was reading her pregnancy book and I was fixing the sink, and suddenly she went into labor. We got a taxi and headed to the hospital and before we knew it, little Ben joined us in the world!

I was able to bring them both home yesterday and I put Ben in his crib for the first time. He's such a cutie, I can't wait to have more kids with Bebe.

-David Parker

I love being pregnant

Pregnancy has been so much fun! I love the fact that David does a lot of the housework so I can rest...I definitely could get more of that on a regular basis.

I had Dad over today and we talked about the baby, he's so excited. It will be his first grandchild.

David is being too cute all the time, too - he loves to rub my belly and talk to the baby. He or she is kicking in there, they love to hear him!

Work has been really great about everything - I was worried when I got pregnant so close to being hired that they would let me go. The diner I'm working for is owned by David's boss' sister, though, and she was ecstatic to hear the news. She gave me time off to enjoy the pregnancy on top of maternity leave! I'm totally going to have to work my butt off when I get back! I don't mind it now,'s given me time to read my baby books and start getting ready for everything.

-Bebe Parker

Another promotion!

Because the baby is coming fast, Bebe has been totally set on remodeling. We ended up extending the kitchen and adding a room for the baby. Next is the bathroom when we can afford it.

Now I always knew that I was meant to be in the laboratory, but lately I've been extra sure of it. I've been doing a lot of extra reading on the side for work (luckily I'm married to a bookworm who doesn't mind!) and the last book I read, 'Nitrates: They're Not Just For Exploding,' inspired me to work on an independent project at work that really got noticed. I made a fundamental Earth and Sun discovery (but I can't share much about it, very confidential) that got me promoted to Carnivorous Plant Tender. And of course, hellooooo lab coat! Except now it's longer and much more distinguished looking. I nearly exploded out of my skin on the ride home from work, I couldn't wait to tell Bebe.

Looks like the bathroom upgrade will be coming soon! I got a sweet bonus of 1,440 Simoleons and a permanent pay increase. With all of that good news, and all of the baby talk, life can't get much better!

-David Parker


My life was so boring for so long...and now there's a whirlwind of activity!

Let's see, where do I start? Well David asked me to move in, and of course I was floored because I've just been living with Dad since I was jobless up until a few days ago. My first day was great - I don't like the uniforms much, and the hours suck because David works 9:00am - 3:00pm and then I work 3:00pm - 9:00pm, but I'm working really hard and hoping to be promoted soon.

A couple days after we got married I ended up starting to feel really nauseous. I was throwing up constantly and I had a suspicion something was going I took a pregnancy test and it was positive!! As soon as I got home that day I showered, got ready for bed, and then told David and he was sooo excited!

I'm so excited!!

-Bebe Parker

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We're Married!

Bebe and I were talking the other day, and we really didn't want to wait until we had enough money to get married. We have a huge plot of land here, but we're just starting out and really don't have the money to throw a huge wedding here. So we ended up just deciding to have a small, private wedding here on our own. Since this is where we want to raise our family, we thought it'd be great to get married overlooking the water at the back of the property.

Then we got to go home and fiiiiinnally "consummate the marriage," if you know what I mean. Bebe is old fashioned, but I respect her and her beliefs. And because she's old fashioned, she wants to start trying for babies right away...and I'm all in!

-David Parker

Life is good

A few days after proposing, I asked Bebe to move in with me. She's been sleeping here every night anyway, why not? Of course she said yes and moved right in.

She brought her money with her, and during the time she was moving I also got promoted to Fertilizer Analyst (good-byyyyye lab coat!) at work, with a raise and a bonus of 1,032 Simoleans! With that money we were able to put in carpet and tile and paint the entire house, inside and out.

Bebe ended up finding a job at a restaurant as a Kitchen Scullion. She really enjoys cooking so I suggested she start working on that dream. She was unemployed when I met her, still living with her dad in his house, so she really didn't need to work. I think she's enjoying it, though. She's making a lot of the meals around the house now (although I can still make a pretty mean meal), and she's a vegetarian so she's introducing me to new things.

-David Parker

Happy Birthday to me!

I wanted to make today really special since I feel I'm at a point in my life where I can start including another person. I asked Bebe to marry me today...and she said yes!

I had a photographer there to take pictures, I'm a family-oriented man and I wanted great shots to share with our kids. They came out great.

-David Parker

Good things are coming!

I got promoted at work today to Useless Contraption Manipulator, which came with a nice bonus and a raise. Gobia Koffi, my boss, and I are hitting it off - we hang out on the weekends and he's really supportive of my individual experiments at work.

Helloooo lab coat!

I was also able to add a bathroom and bedroom to the house - it's still nothing huge, and I still don't have proper flooring or paint...but it's home and I love it.

Plus now I have a seat to eat dinner.

-David Parker

I'm in love! (for real this time!)

So I was at the library doing some reading for work ('Dangerous Device Disposal'...gotta stay on top of the new governmental policies) and I noticed Gym Girl walk in. I've been noticing her for a while, since before Erin and I stopped talking. I ended up starting up a conversation with her and we really hit it off! When I found out she was single, I was floored! We left the library together and got some food - the night was great. (Oh, and her name is Bebe...)

We've been hanging out a lot, she's been so much easier to get to know. A few days in, I ended up taking her on a real nice date to the beach and then dinner at the Bistro (making a bit of money now!) and I asked her to go steady and she said yes!

She's spent the night, too - she doesn't even care that I don't have any carpet and that the walls are still undone. She said it's like camping, but with more security.

-David Parker

Life goes on

I hit a rough patch but I need to move on.

I ended up getting a request from Morgana Wolff for some of my hot dogs - word must have gotten around at the park. She paid me $250 for them, which was really cool. I also got a slight raise at work. I took that money, and the money I've been saving, and bought myself some stuff for the house - it's nothing huge, but it's a start. I can now cook at home!

I was also able to hire a contractor and build myself four walls and a roof! No more sleeping outside!

I also got working on my garden, which will really help with stuff at work.

Life is starting to look up a bit.

-David Parker

Life sucks

I've done horrible since Erin and I broke up. I don't know where I am most of the time, I'm eating horribly, getting into fights, and sleeping on park benches. I even got into a fight with the paperboy because he said he wasn't delivering any more papers to my house until I cleaned all the old ones up in the front yard. Little punk.

Life blows.

-David Parker

Alright, so maybe I jumped the gun....

Erin and I are no more.

So I thought things were going really good, right? We went out to dinner and all was good, and so the next night I took a chance and went back over her house. I showed up and she already had music going, so I swept her off her feet the minute I got in, and we ended up dancing. She was in a great mood so I made dinner, we ate together, and then I asked if I could spend the night...and she said yes! We both slept in her bed that night, which was nice...but then the next morning when I woke up and took a shower, she said she thought I was being inappropriate. Whatever. I was going to give her space and see what happened, but then she called me a few weeks later and told me she was a lot older than she had told me before. WTF?! So I met up with her and she wasn't kidding - her hair was starting to go gray and everything. Now I don't judge too much on appearances but I'm looking to start a family. She's just not for me.

I feel like I may have been using her a bit anyway - she's got a full house and I have nothing. I just need to focus on myself right now. I was just promoted to lab tech and I was told that if I keep up the hard work, I could go far.

-David Parker

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I think I'm in love!

So since I've been out in public a lot, I've noticed what hot girls there are in this town! I met this pretty girl at the bookstore and we really hit it off...I was about to ask her out but then she told me she was in a relationship. Boo!

I was at the park the next day and I ran into this really smokin' hot girl - Erin. We got to talking and I found out she was single, and we really seem to get along. She does something for the Armed Forces, I can't quite remember what...but I really think I like her. When we were talking she happened to mention that her TV was broken and she was taking it to get fixed. I told her I'm pretty handy and offered to fix it for her, since I could use the practice anyway. She was stoked because it would save her some money, so I took it home.

I was able to fix it and then stopped at her house to drop it off...she was so grateful! I told her no payment was necessary but she insisted, and since I'm pretty bad off right now, I ended up taking a few bucks. We hung out at her house for a bit and I was flirting up a storm, which she seems to like but I don't know if she really likes me. I think she was feeling sick, though, because while were talking she wet her pants right there on the spot. I pretended not to notice and offered to make dinner, and hurried to the kitchen. I heard her take a shower and then go mop up the mess...I was so relieved. But then she ended up asking me to leave, so who knows.

I invited her out to the local community pool today and we had a great time - she beat me at underwater breathing contests, man can that girl hold her breath! I noticed this other dude hanging around (Connor Frio) who seemed like he wanted to talk to her...she told me it was nothing but I just don't get a good vibe from him. He's definitely not someone I want to be around.

-David Parker

Being a test subject sucks!

I participated in a string of tests today that left me horribly singed. My clothing was disintegrated...and they told me better luck next time! I didn't even get a replacement set, that's going to hurt the pocket a bit.

On a bit of a good note, I found a really nice park - Central Park - and I've been hanging out there after work. It's larger than the other park I was going to, more people tend to have picnics there so more free food for me. There's also this really big fountain that I enjoy sitting by and reading - trying to buff up on some skills to get ahead faster.

-David Parker

Moving In!

Well, I've bought a house. I took all my hard-earned savings and bought one of the largest lots in Sunset Valley. I am now the proud owner of the land located at 15 Summer Hill Court.

Unfortunately, I spent all my I'm currently sleeping on a lounge chair on my property until I can afford to actually build.

It's not too bad living with practically nothing. I eat out a lot, and sometimes I'm able to blend in with others at the park and get in on some picnics. Nothing beats free food! I use the free showers at the gym, and I can use the bathroom at work, the gym, or the library.

To start saving up money, I got a job as a test subject over at the science facility - I'll start work on Monday. It doesn't pay much but I'm really looking to use my degree and one day become a creature-robot cross breeder. Gotta start somewhere I guess.

Well, that's it for now I think. I'll write more later in the week. Still getting to know this town a bit.

-David Parker